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Wordle Squared

If you've ever played Wordle, you should try Wordle-Squared. In Wordle-Squared, you must fill in the crossword grid with Wordle clues so that the crosswords make sense and are complete. If you guess correctly, come back the next day to guess the next word!

How to play
Click an empty space in the grid to select a word, and click again to switch between words going up and down and words going left and right. You have 9 guesses for each cell to find all the letters in the grid. When you guess, you'll know how each letter fits into the grid:

Green letter indicates the correct letter.In the answer, this square is shown.
Yellow text: Although the letter is not in this position, it is hidden in both words by this box.
Gray Text: There are no letters in this vertical word or column word.