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Wordle AT

You may want to figure out the quizzes. So Wordle AT is the best choice for you. Speech!! Like other word games, AT gives players six chances to guess the hidden word. Your job is to find the right word from the given clues. This is like a daily game that can only be played once a day. So try to figure out what the word of the day is and tell your friends what you find. Do not waste time; Play the game and see how good you are.

This is the German version of the original Wordle!
This is a smart online game that people of all ages should play. This game not only helps players to think better logically, but also helps them learn German vocabulary.

How to play
This word game is similar to Wordle!! in that it is easy to play and has a few rules:

You can try to guess the word up to six times.

Each guess must be a five-letter word that makes sense.

To send, press the enter button.

After each guess, different colors will be put in the boxes to show how close your letter is to the right one.