In Wildle, a five-letter word is selected daily for the player to guess within six attempts.
Following each guess, each letter is highlighted in green, yellow or gray: green signifies the letter is right and in the correct location, yellow means it is in the answer but not in the correct position. in the correct position, while gray shows it is not in the correct position. Answer both questions.
Several instances of the same letter in a single guess, such as the "o" in "robot", will only be green or yellow if the same letter appears more than once in the response ; otherwise, redundant repeating letters will be grayed out.
The "hard mode" option of the game demands the player to enter letters that are colored green and yellow on succeeding guesses. Everyone uses the same everyday terms. The game also has a dark theme as well as a high-contrast theme for color-blind accessibility, which transforms the color palette from green and yellow to orange and blue. I hope you had a wonderful time!