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Weddle Unlimited

"Weddle Unlimited" is a fun new game where you can see how much you know about NFL players. The goal of this game is to figure out who the NFL player is as quickly as possible.

How to play
The game is played on a board with many columns, each of which has different information about the player. You will need to use these hints to narrow down your guesses and figure out who the players are as quickly as possible.

After each guess, the board's cells change color, which tells you how close your guess was to the right answer. When your prediction was right, green boxes will show up in the match column.

Yellow boxes will show up in the division column if you correctly guessed the guild the player is in, but not the specific division. Yellow boxes will show up in the height, age, and weight columns if the correct number is within 2 inches, years, or the player's number.

Your goal is to use these hints to figure out who the player is in as few guesses as possible. The higher your score, the faster you can pick out players.

So, are you ready to see how much you know about NFL players and how fast you can name them in "Weddle Unlimited"? Let's begin and see how much you know about the NFL.