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Craftle is a fun puzzle game that was made by putting together Minecraft and the popular wordle game.
The goal of Craftle Games is to find out what Minecraft's secret word is. In this game, each person gets one chance per day to guess a hard Minecraft word.

This simple activity has become very popular because it is easy to do and there is only one thing to do each day. To play the guessing game on Craftle Online, you don't have to download or install anything. Craftle Minecraft only has one grid, so you have to focus on guessing a Minecraft word quickly.

Craftle sometimes tries to find out who plays Minecraft.

How to play Minecraft Wordle

This wordle game only has words that have to do with Minecraft. When you try to make a word, it will keep giving you hints.
The Minecraft game has you guess the word of the day. It changes every 24 hours.
Describe your data!
Game mode for Minecraft Wordle

Figure out what word Lolde is hiding today. If you follow these tips, you can find today's player in Craftle faster. If not, you can play Craftle as much as you want in "anonymous mode."

How to Play
The game is pretty easy. Today, try to figure out what the word is. Choose a word to check if you have the right group and find out more.

Like Craftle, games like Foodle and Phrazle get a lot of attention. Try your hand at these fun games. Wish you happy gaming!